Remote Education Plan
We strive to offer high quality online provision for children who are learning remotely. At Northleaze, we are using Microsoft Teams for our remote learning. All teachers and children have login details and we have ensured that all teachers and children have access to the required technology.
Class teachers are leading four live sessions every day. These are also being recorded for children who are unable to join the live sessions. Daily English and maths live introductions are taking place followed by children working independently on a White Rose (maths) or Oak Academy (English) activity. Please see the example timetables below. Teachers are also leading small group pastoral check-ins, guided reading lessons, maths booster groups and 1:1 SEND support sessions.
Please see below for examples of our remote education timetables, safeguarding documents and presentations we have put together to support parents. Please also click here to read the latest government guidance for supporting your children's education.