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Our School

Welcome to Northleaze C of E Primary School.  We are a thriving, one-form entry school, educating pupils from 3 to 11 years (part of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership Trust), with a strong ethos of respect and a desire to be the very best we can be. 'Let your light shine' (Matthew 5:16) is our motto and central to all we do.

Our ethos is based on developing children who value themselves and others, care for themselves and others and are able to develop strengths across all areas of the school  curriculum. We are a fully inclusive school and wish for the time our pupils spend with us to be both highly rewarding and successful as well as enjoyable. Our school vision encapsulates our ethos through its words:

Northleaze School offers a caring, Christian community, where we encourage each other to be all that we can be.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for.  You are very welcome to visit any time; we would be happy to show you around. Please contact the school on with any queries you may have or to make an appointment.

Victoria Reyes - Headteacher